martes, 22 de diciembre de 2009

Happy Xmas - and our news for 2009

Dear Friends,

There isn't a lot to tell about our life in 2009 (do I hear sighs of relief?). We are all well and our children growing without completely wrecking the house. We have not made any major trips or had any major mishaps. Winter 2009 was indeed generally quiet, save for a short weekend in York and the usual visits to Cheryl's family.

Spring was a different story - we went camping to North Wales (near Abersoch) in what turned out to be one of the hottest weekends on record in that region. It was trully magnificent and we happily ditched plans for walking and sheep-spotting and headed for the beach day after day.

Also in May, I did the 'Coast to Coast' (C2C) bike ride for a 2nd year running - this time in a larger group, a combination of school dads and firefighters (with one dad providing the link between these two groups). Setting off from Workington this time, we spent three days pedalling to Sunderland in what turned out to be one of the wettest weekends of the year - and with the wind unusually blowing from the East, which made the ride much, much harder than in 2008. But we made it, and enjoyed it - and are now planning to go from Bruges to Amsterdam next May. Watch this space.

June saw our Luke doing his 1st Communion, after thorough preparation lasting several months. It was a happy occasion in the company of family and some good friends.

In August we had our 'main' summer holiday - again we went to Wales, but further south this time, to Cardigan. I won't say the weather was tropical or as warm as back in May, but we got enough decent British summer to hit the beach quite a few times - and let me tell you, Wales has many fantastic ones. We rented a house with my Sister-in-Law and all had a good time - including an evening of sitting on the sand at dusk in the quiet village of Llangrannog, eating fish n' chips straight from the shop (the "Beach Hut" - superb!), as other families lit barbecues, children run in and out of the sea and old ladies swam, all by the light of a full moon. Priceless.

We ended our summer with more camping - twice in a year, and three times in as many years!. This time we headed for one of those forgotten corners of England, Arnside & Silverdale, in North Lancashire. Obscured by the nearby Lake District, this was quite a revelation to us - scarcely 75' from our doorstep, beautiful coast and countryside, nice villages with tea rooms, an excellent campsite with access to a swimming pool nearby, and a short drive away from Morecambe (where, you guessed it, we had more fish n' chips). And again we hit good weather!

Then the year went into overdrive - you know the feeling: it's October and already one is worrying about Christmas, school and kids activities pick up pace, and time goes down a special drain. So, to sum up, we are all well, the children enjoying school and other stuff, which is good, Cheryl enjoying her job at Manchester City libraries, despite the usual things a job in local government brings; and I... well, I am preparing to leave the British Council, after nearly 17 years. Voluntary redundancy was offered, I applied and got it, and my last day in the office will be next 31 March. So, with excitement and aprehension in equal measure, I'm busy brushing up my CV - and my list of contacts: you never know who may have heard of an opening somewhere....

But that is next March - before then, we'll be receiving a visit from my parents in early January (their first to the UK since 2006). Cheryl is going to be doing a course on 'Children Services' this winter so I'll have to free up some nights for her. And I have to step up my training for that Bruges to Amsterdam ride - put away the miles as well as the pints!

In the meantime, may I wish you a very happy Xmas and new year! All the best

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